Friday, October 31, 2008
Drink a cup of tea!
Meet the one who is right for you - right now!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
10 Mistakes
- Eat too little or infrequently.
-Eliminate all fruits.
-Eliminate fats.
-Get snacks out of your kitchen.
-Splurge away from home.
-Consume lots of artificially sweetened foods and beverages.
-Count calories.
-Eat lots of commercial low-carb products.
-Adopt a rigorous exercise routine.
-Load up on protein, eliminate carbs.
Monster 64GB Flash Drive Released
They celebrate my birthday without me
Martin Sands
He Surprise Me
Perpetual Diamonds- A Place To Shop For Rolex Watches
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A friendship Candle
I was tagged by Lisa. Thank you girl.
Please don't break this even if you only send it to one person. Thanks...
This candle was lit on October 26, 2008.
1. Richelle 2. Lisa 3. Joy Ball You're next
Someone who loves you hashelped keep it alive by sending it to you.
Don't let The Candle of Love, Hopeand Friendship die! Pass It On To All
Of Your Friends and Everyone You Love!May God richly bless you as you keep this candle burning.
Please keep this candle alive
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.
I'm passing this to Ruby, Carlota, Jacky Factor and Marilyn.
I'm not a fool!
I received an email from a person I never know and meet. He was asking in the email to give him my phone and fax number. He was telling me that he couldn’t transfer the money without a next kin attached to the fund, which is 5million dollars. Imagine that? And, he was telling me to present myself as a business associate to the decease person as details that I’m the caretaker business associate to Mr. something and his properties. He was telling me that I would be entitled to 40% of this fund for my cooperation in this transaction. He wanted me to reply immediately with my phone number. He must be crazy. I’m not a fool dude. LOL! I’m already pissed off with these people. They keep sending me emails like this. Some emailed me that I win a lotto. Funny! How did they get my email address? I’m just wondering. Well, I’m not yet crazy to get hooked. They cannot get something from me. How can I win lotto that I don’t even bet? I just want to laugh. Sigh!
Holiday Shopping Promotion
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
How's driving?
Autism Support Network Launch
Press Release:
Autism Support Network Launches, Offers Free Online Support Community
Thousands around the world already connecting, sharing guidance and help
October 21, 2008. Autism Support Network today announced the launch of its free online support community available at The online service – rapidly growing with already thousands of members around the world – connects families and individuals touched by autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with each other, provides support and insight, and acts as a resource guide for treatments, strategies and therapies.
Key features of the community include matching those members seeking similar support with one another, the ability to create appointments virtually or in actual locations between members, community groups for open sharing of information, user blogs, chat and capabilities for members to host and share personal photos and documents. The Autism Support Network also includes resource listings across the United States, Canada, England and India.
"Parents frequently feel paralyzed and isolated when they discover their child has autism. Those adults who have autism themselves also frequently find it difficult to engage socially with others for support," said Brian Field, co-founder of Autism Support Network. "Whether you’re a parent whose child has autism, a medical practitioner or someone with autism, our global community was created to facilitate an exchange of ideas, help and interactive discussion. Those dealing with ASD needn't have to 're-invent the wheel' – they can find others here that have likely experienced what they’re going through and can help provide personal guidance."
Today 1 in 150 children is diagnosed with autism, with a new case diagnosed every 20 minutes and is the fastest-growing developmental disability in the United States today. More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes & cancer combined. Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and unusual, repetitive, or severely limited activities and interests. Other ASDs include Asperger syndrome, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (usually referred to as PDD-NOS). Males are four times more likely to have autism than females.
Media Inquiries:
Pam McCarthy
Autism Support Network
Box 1525
Fairfield, CT 06825
Tel: (203) 404-4929
Fax: (203) 404-4969
Ways to trim 100 calories a day
-Eat only a one cup cooked pasta- its about the size of the tennis ball.
-Eat only the required serving size noted on the box of cereals.
-Use only one slice of bread on your sandwich.
-In dips and toppings, replace sour or whipped cream with vegetable dip.
-Replace any juices with fruits.
-Instead of frying meat, do broiling.
-Reduce the amount of dressing salads by about 2 tablespoons.
-Control the portion of your Popcorn snack.
-Instead of eating a cookie, spread a crisp cracker with a thin coat of jam.
-Switch to a 12-ounce soda instead of 20-ounce container of soda.
-Replace an 8-ounce glass of soda with unsweetened tea.
-If you put sugar or cream to your tea or coffee, use only half of it.
-If you drink alcohol, limit your daily consumption to one drink.
Here, Birdy Birdy!
What's happening?
Tissot Watches
Monday, October 27, 2008
World's heaviest man marries in Mexico
Promises Treatment Center
Thank You!
Promises- Gateway to Sobriety
Friday, October 24, 2008
I'm so sad
Writing Hundreds of Words Per Minute With Dragon
Press Release:
Here is another great video review by Lisa, who coincidently writes the blog Lisa Reviews. She writes about how she can write at 150 words per minute with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
I think one of the key takeaways from her video, the key insight that is, is that she is able to write a lot more in those spare moments of time that she has while she's doing other things. Sometimes it's great to multitask, but it's even more important to be able to accomplish useful goals in those spare two or three or four minute pockets of time that we all experience throughout the day.
With Dragon NaturallySpeaking a four minute pocket of time can translate into 600 words! That could be three or four e-mails or one or two long blog articles if you're a blogger like Lisa.
For just $99 you can get started with Dragon NaturallySpeaking and have it trained in running in about seven minutes. The software with version 10 is simply amazing.
I have been writing about Dragon NaturallySpeaking for almost 2 years now. I have been able to type at rates of up to 167 words per minute with Dragon NaturallySpeaking. That speed was clocked while I was taking a typing test, but even in practical situations when I factor in not only the time it takes to type, but the time that it also takes to edit the words I typed, the end result is that I can still achieve about 100 words a minute, INCLUDING editing time! J
That is extremely fast, and the inclusion of editing time, speaks to the advances that you can see in version 10 as compared to older versions such as version 8 or version 9. It's a lot easier to edit on the fly with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.
So if you're looking for a practical tool for your home office, for your writing or blog work, or even just to keep up with e-mail in your spare time, Dragon NaturallySpeaking can give you the power to write at 150 words a minute for a price that starts at $99. Heck, I think I paid that much almost for my last keyboard so that I wouldn't pound my fingers to death. :-)
Brett Bumeter
Softduit Media
PS this article includes about 376 words that I wrote with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10. It took me about 3 1/2 minutes to write and edit this article, which is just a little bit better than 100 words per minute and that includes editing time.
Guys, I will share with you a very interesting video and a guest article about Dragon NaturalSpeaking. If you want, you can visit one of our fellow postie’s original blog articles by clicking here. To those who don’t know yet, Dragon NaturalSpeaking allows you to write at 150 words a minute for a price that starts at $99. Type at $150 Words Per Minute for $99! Imagine that? It’s pretty cool. You don’t have to worry managing your time for your family and work. Gosh! You probably like it.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Low-Cal Treats
Legend of the Seeker
Guess what? I found a trailer of the epic fantasy series “ Legend of the Seeker” at You can watch the video above my post. You probably like it. “Legend of the Seeker” is a television show based on the novels of Terry Goodkind. The highly anticipated epic fantasy series “ Legend of the Seeker” will premiere as a two-hour special event the weekend of November 1st. This weekly program was a combine element of fantasy, adventure, magic, mystery and romance with exotic New Zealand as its backdrop. Isn’t it exciting? I can’t wait any longer. I love watching fantasy movies. Guys, you better visit for more information.
Love Ice Cream
Power Properties
Our First Meeting

I found all these pictures while browsing the documents. This was the time my husband visited me in the Philippines. Time really flies. I didn’t notice that it’s been 3 years since he first meet me. And, it was his first time to see my country. We had so much fun that time even though he stayed for 10 days only. We’re both happy and promise to be together as soon as all the papers are done. I never thought we were meant to each other. I’m really thankful to God for having a husband who truly loves me. I can’t ask for more. LOL. Hopefully, God will bind us more for the rest of our lives.
Rolex Watches
Monday, October 20, 2008
It's getting colder
Favorite Bible Story.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thanks Carlota
Bible Verse To Live By.

My Dream Car - New Search Engine Review

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Entrecard was slow.
Web Hosting Blog
Celebrating my hubby's birthday
Take this test, and prepare to be surprised.

I am having fun taking the RealAge Test. I’ve learned a lot from this test. It makes me more aware of what should I do to maintain a better health. I’m so glad that my RealAge result was younger than I thought. Frankly, I feel older than my real age. But, it was really weird when somebody thought you’re below 18. I still recall a couple months ago when we went to the casino. The security guard asked my I.D to know if I’m over 18. Holy cow! He must have blurred eyes. Lol! That’s way too much than my real age. Anyway, I was surprised to know that the result of my RealAge test was younger. Though, I am little confident since I never drink liquor and never ever smoke a cigarette. I’m still surprise because I never take any vitamins, which is really important for women. Plus, I rarely eat fruits and vegetables. The good thing is that I’m now informed and knowledgeable enough on how to maintain my health and age. I was recommended to watch for my BP and get my cholesterol tested. Overall, the result was amazing. So what are you waiting for? Take the RealAge Test! It's free! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Just answer it honestly.

Happy Birthday my Bana

I want to say “Happy Birthday” to my beloved husband. I wish you more happiness, good health and success. You know how much I love you and care for you. I’m very thankful for a wonderful husband like you. God knows how happy I am being part of your life. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the love, respect and care you’ve given me. I can’t ask for more. I guess God already gave me the best husband in the world. Hon, I love you so much. Once again, Happy Birthday my Man.
Dr. Lark's Nutritional Supplement
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Household tip#5
What to do:
OPENRSM CloudBackup
Monday, October 13, 2008
Expensive iPOD
Cheap Flights Map Widget from Skyscanner
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Birthday Cake
Panama Condo Hotel

Friday, October 10, 2008
Ways to calm down
- Walk away – know what triggers you to become mean and go way with that situation.
- Close your eyes- gently let the world disappear and go within to regain your equilibrium.
- Find some solitude- have some private time to let the nervous system regenerate.
- Go outside- enjoy your time outside at least an hour every day to get your sanity fix.
- Find some water- “water helps in many ways”.
- Breath deeply- breathing is a foundation of sanity and it eliminates toxins from our system.
- Listen to music- across the ages, music has been used to soothe and relax.
Meet the one who is right for you - right now!

Household Tip#4
Local Auto Body Shops Service
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Love diamonds

Innovative hypnosis and mind control techniques

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Foods that fight against cancer
Here are the foods to fight cancer:
1. Cabbage- women who ate cabbage four or more times per week were 74% less likely to develop breast cancer.
2. Vitamin D- the study found vitamin D to lower the risk of developing breast cancer by nearly 50%.
3. Tea- it contains flavonoids, like several plant-based foods, which are known for their antioxidant effects.