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Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Pencil Drawing

Do you have a passion for something? Like collecting coins, pencil drawings or anything that make your day full and vibrant. Just recently, I had the enthusiasm of sketching a face using a pencil. I still reminisce the time i'm still a kid where i draw the face of jesus christ or a face from a black & white picture. My parents was really amazed of my abilities & to my drawings at that early age. But, when i become older i discontinued that habit. Until lately, I was able to draw my picture and jesus picture again. I never expected, I could do it agin for many years of not doing it. Is this part of my new life here in America? or a talent i should enhance? I think this was sort of my emotions expressed through sketching. One thing, I was confused why i can only draw everytime im alone.

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