Friday, February 27, 2009
It's getting better!
I’m getting confident with my driving now. Yesterday, I drove to the restaurant and grocery store. My husband just instructs me where to go. And, I’m glad I did it. Thanks God! I really want to get my drivers license as soon as possible. Hopefully, two weeks from now, I’ll have the guts to take the road test. LOL! I’m getting excited but nervous. I never practice parallel parking yet so it would be hard for me. I’ll see what’s going to happen. I probably urge my husband to teach me doing parallel parking before I take the test. But, it’s better for me to try. That way I’ll know what’s on the test and correct it afterwards. I don’t care if I pass or not. What’s important I tried and learn from it. I could still get a re-take test anyway. Gosh! I wish I’d get my drivers license before the summer. Help me God! Please, please, please and please. You know how much I need it.
Hollywood Moms-to-be Discover Beaute de Maman
The topic that I am going to post today is ideal for pregnant women or mom-to-be. Being pregnant is not easy especially choosing the right product for the skin and body. Pregnant women should be extra careful on choosing products to ensure that it does not jeopardize the safety of the fetus in the womb. I still remember when my sister got pregnant; she likes to use make-up even inside the house. I tell you, she was really weird that time. I guess that's only part of being pregnant. LOL! At least, she looks pretty during her pregnancy. However, It bothers me sometimes that the products she was using might affect the health of the baby . I always remind her to look the labels before buying any make-up . Luckily, she gave birth to a healthy and pretty baby girl. Anyway, if you want to ensure that you're using beauty products which contain natural and herbal ingredients during pregnancy, then I recommend visiting Beaute de Maman official website. Beaute de Maman is a unique line of health and beauty products developed by a board- certified obstetrician to treat problems specifically related to the physiological and hormonal changes experienced by women during pregnancy. They are selling products such as stretch mark cream, nipple gel, facial scrub, and face & body cream. They are allergy and obstetrician tested. I’m sure this is a perfect gift for pregnant women. Now, I already have the idea where to get my beauty products when I get pregnant. LOL! Guys, what are you waiting for? Visit the site and order now.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Another day at the mall!
My husband and I went to the mall today. He was very generous. LOL! He bought me jacket and manicure set. The jacket was really nice. And, it was on sale. It’s really a good timing. I like it since it makes me warm. I’ve been browsing for jackets online but at last I got it inside the mall. It’s better than shopping online. I could fit it. Luckily, it looks good for me. It’s a little shorter though. I want those long jackets that would warm my legs too. But anyway, I still like it. I’m already satisfied with it especially my husband was the one who choose for me. Next time, I’ll be shopping for another blouses and pants. I need it this summer- when I got work. Hehehe! Anyway, that’s enough folk. I better sleep now. See you tomorrow.
Passion Search
Online dating has been the popular way to meet people that may be looking for friendships, love, romance and marriage. You can easily find the guy that you think would fit your personality. I’ve heard that it’s a better place to look for real relationship than in the bars. I know this kind of relationship since I was among the lucky women who found true love. I still recall the days where we exchange emails and chat online. We communicate for about two years before he visited me in the Philippines. That day was really my happiest moment I’ve ever experience. He treated me like a princess. LOL! Until now, he still showed me the same love that every woman could ask for. I would say that I am very lucky to be part of his life. I can’t ask for more. Hopefully, we will be together for the rest of our lives. Speaking of online dating, I stumble upon a site that differs from other dating sites. At passion search, you can find millions of members who are looking for love in United States. You can sign up for free. All you have to do is register and start looking for romance. Who knows, you’ll able to find your knight and shining armor.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Shopping Day!
My friend and I finally went to the mall together. It was a great time for us. At least, we were able to do some shopping. I just bought 1 pair of shoes and blouse. But, I really like the style of the blouse I got today. It’s cute and stylish. I can’t wait to wear it this Sunday. LOL! Funny me! Well frankly, it inspires me more every time I wear sexy blouses and dress. I am more determined to lose weight than having big clothes in my closet. Hopefully, I’ll still lose 10 more pounds so I am more confident. That way I could wear size 0 this summer. Hehehe! Wish me luck! All I have to do is continue my daily routine- exercise and diet. Gosh! This journey is really hard. But, I’ll try my very best for own health.
Self-Improvement-Stem Cell Collection for Women
I’m sure the topic that I’m going to post today is quite familiar to most of you. I’ve posted this a couple times already. But, this topic is essential to human’s life. That’s why I never get tired posting it again and again. LOL! Anyway, to those who don’t know yet, I’ll give you a brief description about C’elle and its importance. C’elle is a service dedicated to providing women with a safe and easy method of collecting and preserving stem cells found in her menstrual fluid each month. The stem cells collected from menstrual blood may be used in treating life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke and much more. So if I were you, invest your money with this life saving stem cell preservation now. If you’re interested getting a C’elle collection kit, kindly click the Order Now page. You can also find the price by clicking the Pricing page. Or, if you want to learn more, just visit official website.
I want pearly white teeth!

I’ve always wanted strong and white pearly teeth. But, I am those unlucky ones who already use fake teeth in an early age. LOL! Ever since I was a child I had this ugly teeth that makes me aloof. I don’t have the guts to smile because I’m afraid what others might say. So when I was in early high school, I’ve decided to get dentures. That was the time I started to smile a little bit. I feel confident to talk and smile with people. If I only knew I’ve never eaten candies and chocolates when I was still a child. Well, it’s too late now. I can’t do anything anymore. But, to those who want to save your teeth- I’ll give you some advices based on what I’ve read in the magazine. Aside from brushing and flossing, you can prevent your teeth from being damage. First, Use a straw with acidic beverages. This minimizes contact with your teeth. Second, drink brewed tea and drink it straight up. But remember; don’t load up with so much sugar and lemon. Third, Snack on natural stain removers, like apples, celery and carrots. So I guess it will help a little bit to prevent from having a teeth like mine. Hehehe.
Rehdeads love attention.
I love looking at people who have redheads. They look stylish and elegant. There was a time that I colored my hair red. The color is not really that visible. But, I love it. Even though, my neighbors always tease me. LOL! Well, that was a long time ago. I was full of adventures that time. Or shall we say, I was young and curious. Even if I’m already matured, I still like to have redhead. You can say whatever you think- weird or just plain funny. But, I don’t care. We are free in this country. We can do whatever we like as long as we never hurt anybody. Anyway, I found an interesting site that is quite related to the topic-redheads. is a social network for redheads and redhead lovers. It’s the largest, most active, and reddest online community devoted to cheerleading a beautiful noble ratified and dying breed. At this site, you can find gallery, polls, events, and even join forums and quizzes. Aside from networking, you can shop for bags, t-shirts, prints and much more. I love the designs of their goodies. I might purchase tees for my collection. They even got videos and music too. It’s pretty cool. Guys, I’m sure you’ll love it. You better check it right now.

Thursday, February 12, 2009
I love this dress!
I found this cute dress while browsing online. I really wanted to buy affordable dress that I could use this summer. But, I think this dress is appropriate only for parties. I don’t think you could wear this dress while shopping. But frankly, I really like it. How I wish it would look good for me. LOL! Well, I need to lose more weight before I could have the guts to wear this pretty dress. Or else, I’ll look like a boxer. Hehehe! Gosh! I envied sexy girls who could wear anything without even worrying about their weight. Sigh! It’s hard to be chubby. I just don’t have the confidence to wear sexy dress. I felt very awkward. I guess I need to strive hard to get back on my weight as soon as possible.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Natural approaches for Libido
Since it’s almost Valentines Day, we will be talking about natural approaches for Libido Podcast that might be helpful for some couples. This may contain material, which may seem awkward to some of you but I’ll make sure that it does not violate adult or mature content. Anyway, the Whole Foods Market has released two podcasts which provide ideas and tips on natural options for libido support, such as herbs and supplements for a healthy libido, tips for lifestyle changes that can increase the desire for sex, amorous ideas for boosting libido and foods to get you in the mood. Isn’t it interesting? I’m sure you’re excited to know what kinds of herbs and supplements you should get. Well, according to their site, creating candlelight with foods known to be aphrodisiacs like oysters, sage, white onions. Another interesting idea is relaxing with aromatherapy or massage with 100% pure essential oils. This will help manage stress, which has uncountable benefits to overall health and can positively affect sex drive. They’ve also mentioned that medicinal plants like Maca, Horny Goat Weed and Rhodiola have historically supported healthy sex drive in men and woman. So if you’re interested to know more about this libido podcast, just visit their website. I’m sure you’ll learn a lot from this interesting podcast.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I'm excited!
Last Saturday, I bought a pair of high heel sandal. I need to get one because I have a date this valentine’s day. I have this black dress so I should pair it with black strappy sandal. We probably have a dinner date and bar hopping with our friends. I’m pretty excited right now. It’s been a long time that we never went to the bar. I kinda like to dance and have some fun. LOL! Luckily, my husband doesn’t work this coming Saturday. So, it means we will be together that time. I’m not expecting any gift anymore since he just gave me a diamond necklace last month. But, I hope he will give me some flowers and chocolate this valentine’s day. It would be sweet. Funny me! Anyways, I hope I look sexy with this strappy sandal and dress. I’ll be posting some pictures of my attire next week. I know I’m not slim but what matters most is that I feel confident of what I wear. As long I never steal or hurt anybody then I’m fine. Hehehe!
The Complete Guide to Laser Hair Removal DVD
Laser Hair Removal Video
Hair Removal Videos Facial Hair Removal
Do you want to get rid off your hair in your armpit, back, legs and bikini area? If so, I have good news for you. Well, the nice option is laser yag. Laser hair removal is one of the top five non-surgical procedures for both men and women in the United States. Aesthetic VideoSource’s new instructional DVD, the complete guide to laser hair removal, walks doctors and medical spa personnel through the science and application of this increasingly popular cosmetic option. This DVD explains how to perform laser hair removal with demonstrations on male and female models with different Fitzpatrick types. You will learn a lot from this DVD. All you need to do is visit their website right now. This video can be ordered for $175 plus shipping, by calling 1-800-414-2434 or visiting
Hair Removal Videos Facial Hair Removal
Do you want to get rid off your hair in your armpit, back, legs and bikini area? If so, I have good news for you. Well, the nice option is laser yag. Laser hair removal is one of the top five non-surgical procedures for both men and women in the United States. Aesthetic VideoSource’s new instructional DVD, the complete guide to laser hair removal, walks doctors and medical spa personnel through the science and application of this increasingly popular cosmetic option. This DVD explains how to perform laser hair removal with demonstrations on male and female models with different Fitzpatrick types. You will learn a lot from this DVD. All you need to do is visit their website right now. This video can be ordered for $175 plus shipping, by calling 1-800-414-2434 or visiting
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Lose some pounds!
I am really happy today. You might ask why. Well, at last, I lose some pounds this week. You probably know why I acted like this. Just say whatever you think but I cant hide my feelings. Hehehe! In my previous post, I’ve mentioned that I was having a hard time losing some pounds. Just today, I was glad when I saw the weighing scale. I lose about 4 pounds for one week. Whew! Thanks God! At last, all my efforts were paid off. I’ll just continue what I did- exercise and after six diet. Hopefully, I will lose at least 3 pounds next week. I will be very happy if it happens. Twelve pounds more to go. Wish me luck! I’m really determined to lose weight so I could fit all my sexy dress and pants again. LOL! My goal is to get my ideal weight the next two months. Gosh! I’m so excited right now. I can’t wait any longer. :)
End Junk Mail Free
Almost everyday, we receive unwanted mail in our mailbox. I don’t know why it keeps coming every month. It’s very irritating. I hate sorting out mail and shredding it. Not to mention the spam email I receive everyday. It’s a waste of time erasing hundreds of spam emails. Luckily, I found a site that helps reduce unwanted email, End Junk Mail and even phone calls. The privacy Council offers a low-cost removal and monitoring service for those who wish to be removed from the major email, telemarketers and junk mail lists, either in an attempt to waste less paper or to simply clean up email inboxes. And, guess what? They are giving away 500 memberships to the Privacy Council free. Isn’t it great? Cool! All you have to do is fill out the membership form. At last, I don’t have to worry anymore about cleaning up the junk emails. Gosh! I feel relieved.

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