
myWeb-Blog Designs

Sunday, January 4, 2009

One of the things I do when I miss my family back home is have telephone conversation. But as we all know, calling by phone is quite expensive especially long-distance. I used to call my family twice a week but I cut it to once a week. We can save money if we only call once a week. Most of the time, we just chat online and show our faces in the webcams. It’s more convenient for us. I love chatting with them while watching their faces. LOL! But I’ll tell you frankly; I still want to hear their voices, too. Luckily, I stumble upon a website that might help us save some money for phone calls. is a new ad-supported Web service that lets you make phone calls to any number in the United States from any computer with a Web browser and a broadband connection. It requires you to view a short ad before you place a call. The audio is played through the browser, and the site uses your computer’s microphone to transmit what you say. The registration is for free. It gives you unlimited calls of up to 15 minutes. Isn’t it great? I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Not only that but unregistered users can make calls of up to two minutes. The most amazing part is that the service works domestically and all over the world. Guys, what are you waiting for? Try a call now.

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