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Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm getting bigger

I'm really worried because my pants wont fit me anymore. If i wear it, i would look like wrapped very tightly in a plastic. Gosh! I'm very afraid now. What I'm gonna do to slim down. It's very hard to stop eating right away. I've been doing dancing but it never worked for me. Every time, i weigh myself- it seems my weight gains more. Holy Cow! I need to stop. This is ridiculous. I was pissed off because my hubby wont listen to me. I told him not to go anymore at Buffet Restaurant. Here we go, it happened again yesterday. I just cant resist not to eat those yummy foods especially desserts. That's really my weakness i should fight. Well, I'm only human. I made mistakes. But, there are ways to fight this binge eating. Maybe, i should start all over again. To eat proper foods like fruits, low carb diet and more on veggies. Then, start a work out routine and do some jogging. I already missed my body when i was still at home. I only weigh 110 lbs. But now, i gain 10 pounds. Ooh! I wish i could make it back to 110 or lower. I'll be very much satisfied and confident of myself. lol! Wish me a luck.

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