We all know that life here is not easy as we're in our own country. There's a lot of adjustments we should do. First, we should adjust of course our status here to have our rights as resident and get more opportunity. Second, the language barrier between you and other people. Third, you should adopt the the cultures and food here. Then, you should know how to adjust the way you behave with your friends, husband and families. But, I'm thankful to have friends here whom i can relate with. I meet a lot of friends through blogging. And, it really helps me. I feel as if I'm home because of my newly found friends. That's why i want to thanked all my friends for great kindness and support. I really appreciate it so much.... I'll pass this prayer to all.
Thanks for this prayer tag
Del .

I want you to pray this prayer, "Oh God My Father, I love u and I need u, come into my heart and bless me this week"
People prayed:Welcome To My World, Pheandy's Blog, Thoughts of Mine, The Fountain Of Happiness,Ester's Daily Thoughts,Anneberly's Money Blog, My Paperless Writings, As The World Turns, My Daily Discourse ,Put your link here
Let's make prayer as our daily habit. Now I would like to pass this to special people... VHILMA ,Tingting R , Veniz , Swissy , Shela, PrettyRetchie1 and Malyn
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