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Monday, April 21, 2008

A day to shop

I was really happy yesterday when my hubby and i got to shop again. Its been many days, we never went to mall. I'm really tedious all day long at the house while my hubby was working. Its kinda boring life! Need to breathe fresh air outside the! If not only with that tip he got from a customer the other day, i couldn't buy something. Its always have no time to go out. urghhhh... But its hard to find a thing you like when its expensive. There are variety of blouses that a little cheaper but i don't think i would like it though. Its not like in the Philippines that you could choose pretty ones for cheaper prices and would look good for you. I was a bit crazy in terms of shopping- I really have to roam around the mall to find affordable products but with good quality. It doesn't matter what brand it is, whats important it looks good when worn. But yesterday, i was shocked for purchasing a blouse from bebe department. I was really disappointed because my hubby keep on urging me to go home. That's why i end up rushing to bebe store and found a simple blouse but a little expensive. Though I'm quite regretful for what I've purchased but its worth it. At least i splurge something for me quite sometime.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hi Joy, you can always return or exchange it for a better one :) That's what I was telling my husband too, clothes here are very expensive and they are not as nice as the ones in PI

