
myWeb-Blog Designs

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Top 10 Dropper For the Month of December

Please forgive me if I posted this very late. But at least, I posted it within this month. Anyway, I want to thank the top 10 droppers for the month of December. I really appreciate all your efforts by dropping your cards to my blog. Hopefully, you will continue visiting my site. And, I promise to visit you back as much as I can. Please bear with me for not posting interesting topics in my blog. I’m not really very good with blogging but I tried my best. I only post all my daily experiences since this is more on personal blog. In fact, I can’t believe that PPP accepted this blog in their system. At least, I can grab opportunities in their marketplace. Hehehe! Once again, thank to my top 10 droppers. See you again next month!

Top 10 Dropper:

Whatever Comes To My Mind-31
Mutual Love-31
Wonderful Things in LIfe-31
Comedy Plus-31
Trade Forex Online-30
Our Journey to Forever-30
Pinoy Web Surfer-30
New Orleans Food & Fun-30
Daily Coloring Pages-30

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