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Monday, August 11, 2008

We're Famous-International Oddities

I’ve found out that the tobacco buds the actors using in the movie entitled “Pineapple Express” was from the International Oddities. The actor Seth Rogan who called the buds as a fake weed was actually the legal tobacco bud that you can purchase from International Oddities. Apparently, the stuff smoked onstage in the cigarette, however, was International Oddities products taken from the actual material used in the movie. As you can see that Seth Rogan reveal in an interview that International Oddities products were used in nearly every scene of the movie. I was really shocked when I’ve read this article. I thought that all actors just used a fake buds. Their customer reactions are quite similar to the amazement expressed by the stars in the front rows of the MTV music awards (Robert Downey Jr., Will Smith, Rhiana, Chris Brown and Anne Hathaway. What I really like with this company is that their smoking line is unique and innovative. That even during the fake stunt as the remarkable aroma of International Oddities product blew into the audience. The International Oddities product line is not a prop at all but it’s actually the legal bud hybrids. No wonder the products from International Oddities were highly recommended not only for the movies but for the real people as well. I’ve known several friends of mine who have used these products. And, they liked the aroma and unique taste of their buds. So, I would probably recommend these products to some of my friends who also smoke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm is this somekind of marijuana or something? it looks kinda the same on the pix. i never heard of this and i really appreciate visiting your site to day. i learn something new again.
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